Film Awards
The 32th Yubari International Fantastic Film Festival (2022,Japan)
The 5th Tai International Film Festival (2022,Tailand)
Yong-Ja is the mother of a child striving to sustain a living of a household. She has a strange dream
about a lucky-number for a lottery draw and tells her husband to buy some lottery. On that day,
she works hard in high hopes for a winning chance, and happens to know she did win the very
number. She rushes back to her house at once.
Director's Note
I was told earlier when I was a kid, that you shouldn't worry about things that won't possibly happen;
Even so, I did think about what might not happen, and realized there are no such things as 'not
likely to happen' stuff. As such, we're living a risky, perilous and head-aching life in which no one
knows what will happen when.
Director's Bio / Filmography
Director/Writer: JUNG Ha-yong
Producer: UM Hyun-sook
Assistant Director: HONG Jin-kyun, YEOM Min-jeong
Cinematograph: KIM Jin-hyung
Lighting: NAMGUNG Sang-hyun
Sound Record: OH Byung-tak
Costume: KWON Han-na
Editing: JUNG Se-hoon
Mixing: Blak Sound
D.I: JUNG Se-hoon
Yong-ja: JUNG Yi-rang
Sung-jin: PARK Sung-jin
Old Yong-ja: PARK Hye-jin